Your best WoW memory
There is absolutely no way I could possibly choose just one. The things I most love, the best memories, are the little moments that add up into my whole experience of WoW. So, instead of one, I give you my best WoW memories, all of them in chronological order.
- Questing in Darkshore with MLJ, a fellow Priest.
- Bumping into a vivacious little bear Druid, Jezz, in Tanaris and begging her to run ZF with me, to no avail. She hated ZF.
- Bumping into Jezz again in Booty Bay - being complimented on my Whitemane's Chapeau. We were inseparable after this - and ran many, many dungeons together.
- Running Sunken Temple with the Eclipse crew and joining the guild right after that run. I miss you, Ever, Dak, Ferg, Beo and many others.
- Discovering the joys of Ventrilo with the "old folks" in Eclipse.
- Jezz and I running into MLJ at Scholomance - so of course we had to have a Night Elf dance party.
- Going through the Dark Portal for the first time and exploring Outlands (with Jezz).
- Doing Children's Week events for the first time with Jezz.
- Running Mana Tombs over and over with Halpy.
- Wiping and struggling to get through Shadow Labs regular at level 68.
- Ding! Level 70 while questing in Nagrand.
- Forming Lesson Learned with Jezz, Pizzle, Cryion and Arctic.
- Having the Hallowed Trousers ninja'd from me on every single Sethekk Halls run. I didn't get new pants until I paid a fellow tailor to craft me the Whitemend Pants (the recipe wouldn't drop for me in The Arc). This is the origination of PANTS! When I finally replaced my pants I yelled out PANTS! in vent, I was so excited to finally have an upgrade for my legs.
- Baby steps to raiding - Heroics and Kara were HARD!
- Attempting Kara with a tank that was under Def cap. We eventually turned him into a pretty darn good tank.
- Doing Love is in the Air for the first time with Spell.
- Hours spent in the Aldor Bank in Shattrath just hanging out.
- Amani Warbear and 10 man raiding crits Lesson Learned for over 9000 - guild disbands - do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
- I'm in Resolution - I'm not in Resolution - I'm in Resolution - I'm not in Resolution. MLJ, you're a good friend for putting up with my guild hopping ways.
- Enjoying the sage advice of CrankyRaina and others during the peak of the now defunct Guild Relations Forums. I miss you, Raina. <3
- Getting revenge on Vashj (albeit at level 80).
- Running Battlegrounds with Waric, Nef and Sky.
- Tanking dungeons on my Death Knight. Discovering that I like tanking if I have a friend along. Thank you, Torq.
- Having Altitis and exploring Silvermoon on an RP server.
- Questing through Stonetalon Mountains on a Hordie post Shattering - the storyline is incredible!
- Deleting my high level toons in favor of my alts - this has been the most freeing of all experiences.
I guess it's noticeable that I'm a BC Baby. ~shrug~ I am what I am. I guess it may also be noticeable that while I did raid during Wrath, the kills and experiences therein were not such great memories for me. I should be including my Kingslayer kill on this list, but there's just too much negative that went with that kill that I just can't enjoy that memory.
~raises a glass~ Here's to making more wonderful memories! ~clink~ ~gulp~